Our time together will be a weaving of experiences to prepare the body, mind, and spirit for pregnancy, labor, Birth, postpartum, parenting, and life. Let Love draws from a variety of practices, inspiration & concepts including:
Let Love, LLC operates on free will offerings and donations as the hope is for Birth preparation and support throughout postpartum and parenting be accessible for all people. These financial offerings are deeply appreciated and necessary as they help cover the costs of rental fees to use physical spaces like the birth center, materials & props, business expenses, travel expenses, childcare, trainings, certifications, and
continuing education/experience.
With the recognition that we are able to give more or less at different times, and in different ways in our lives, thank you for your discernment and consideration as you choose your price from the suggested prices or pick your own that shares what your family is able to give to support this mission at this time.
If you know of anyone who may be interested in supporting this mission of supporting Birthing people and their families, please encourage them to connect with Let Love, LLC!
*See registration options at the bottom of this page or e-mail cheryl@letlovellc.com*
In collaboration with Dr. Amy Gamerdinger Jeffers from Lake Wissota Family Chiropractice, we are offering a full weekend of preparation for the birthing person and their support person!
Friday, February 21 evening
Saturday, February 22 full day
Sunday, February 23 half day
Please read the description above under "Free Will Offerings and Pick Your Price", then choose the price that best fits your family's ability to give at this time
A gathering of those doing the work of tending Birth. This will be a time to nourish your body, mind, heart, and spirit through movement, breath, sound healing, and inner inquiry/integration practices. 5:30 - 7:30 PM @ Unity of Eau Claire
Thursday, March 13
Thursday, April 17
Thursday, May 15
Open house practice as we navigate who we are as a mother. Practices take place in our home practice space. We meet from 5:15 - 6:45 - 4 spots available
March 6
March 20
April 10
April 24
May 8
May 22
May 29
Birth Story Sharing Circles are a sacred time to connect with others who have birthed to process our stories in a guided way and receive nourishment through tea and carefully chosen snacks shared with love! Each practice has time for grounding, sharing, receiving, breath practice, gentle movement, integration, and connection.
If no current circles are listed or you cannot attend one that is,
please reach out to cheryl@letlovellc.com to schedule!
Reach out to inquire! cheryl@letlovellc.com
This half day workshop is for the Birthing person and their partner to prepare for their Birth and parenting journey in a deeper way. In this one on one experience, partners have the opportunity to: build connection, dive into and practice pain coping and comfort measures (and discuss how they show up for us in labor and parenting), weave postpartum intentions, and see each other in new ways.
Saturday, February 15 FULL
Doula care is available upon request. Let Love works with only one companion at a time and attends only 4 births per year. We meet and practice together regularly to prepare for your Birth and throughout postpartum integration as well. Choosing who will be present at your Birth and on your journey truly matters, for so many reasons. Perhaps review the list of Doulas in the "More Support" Section and meet with several Doulas to find who might align best with you on your path!
1 spot open
1 spot open
Navigate a Birth healing journey together in a small group as we weave together support for the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Practices take place in our home practice space. Meeting times TBD. Check back soon or reach out to discuss preferences!
Contact cheryl@letlovellc.com to register
We will set up times to hold space for your unique preparation and practice in our home practice space.
Contact Cheryl@letlovellc.com to schedule
Connecting with good literature is like connecting with parts of ourself we may or may not have met yet. It can feel familiar and challenging at the same time. Writing that resonates deep within invites us into relationship with the collective and it is a gift to share space with others as we navigate what new ideas mean for each of us in our own life. Come join us around the outdoor fire or in our home practice space to sample teas and be guided through reflection, discussion, & integration
The Yamas and Niyamas are the first two limbs of the 8 limbed yoga practice.
In this short yet deep book, each yama and niyama has been given its own chapter in which philosophy is woven with practical examples and stories. At the end of each chapter is a list of questions that serve as a guide for reflection. We will work through the book together, invite it into our lives, and meet regularly to share reflections & growth.
Let Love has had the greatest honor and most fun holding space and curating special events for small groups such as a mother's birthday celebration with her close friends, a local midwife group, parent support groups, and an upcoming Birth tender retreat! Contact cheryl@letlovellc.com or click the button below to learn more about how we can create the support you are looking for.
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